Well, surprisingly, C. did email back. She's got more balls than I would have thought. A quick excerpt..
Please stop taking your anger out on me because I refused to sleep with you behind Lisa's back. I will no longer be communicating with you through email seeing how neither one of you have the children as your concern
Wow... C. you are even more immature than I thought you were. I feel sad for you. I understand that when I came into the picture with Steve, despite the fact that you were already living with another man, you lost your safety net. That once you realized that Steve was dating someone else, that he had moved on from you and your betrayals.
I can understand that it's gotta be a crushing blow to your self esteem when your husband says he just can't continue to play the back and forth games with you and decides for his own well being that he needs to get away from you and call it quits.
It really doesn't take very much to make a man happy. Seriously. And what they do need to be happy, requires very little effort on your part. Having more sex than your husband... that's a bit of a no no. Not trusting your man to go out and hang with the guys and chill with out you, it's actually healthy for the both of you and no it does not mean he's cheating. Yelling and screaming at him for every lil thing? not the best of ideas. Being controlling, emotionally unstable or threatening to leave every time he doesn't do things your way... surprise but that will make him feel distant from you, not closer.
Seriously, C., you've got some growing up to do. Focus on your children. Try cleaning your home so when the kids get in from school they smell dinner cooking in a nice clean house. Try taking the time to go out and show them a little something that this city and this world has to offer. Did you know that both A & Z have a love for the museum? Tuesdays is free admission day. Things don't have to be expensive, what the kids want most from you is your time, and that's free.
I know that if and when the day were to ever come that Steve decided to go back to you, he has the maturity to be a man and tell me that he can't continue things with me. I trust Steve. I trust him when he says that your allegations aren't true. I trust him when he says that the love between the two of you ended a long time ago, well before you two had actually gone your seperate ways. I'm sorry that in spite of being married to Steve that you never trusted him. But I'm not you and I do.
I've mentioned in other blog entries how I feel about Steve, our relationship and our children. So C., keep trying. If you really want for someone (anyone really) to take you or your accusations seriously, you'll need to actually put a lot more thought and effort into it.
Remember back in July when you called me up and claimed to be pregnant with Steve's baby? It didn't work then either did it? You really need to grow up. These are tricks that girls in high school play, not grown woman that are suppose to be mothers. Your not exactly setting a very good example for your children.
I'm withholding my anger
Though I'd like to be the strangler
Of this punkass little pussy's puny neck
It's my right to insist
That he acknowledge my existence
But he just displays complete lack of respect
That's what he says to himself
As he sits with both feet up at his desk
Smokes a bag of his weed
And starts imagining things
And he just can't see that he's manically depressed
And in his jealousy and envy
It just whirls him in a frenzy
He don't exist in this world
So he just twists and he twirls
Spirals and spins till he runs himself in a rage
And it's destroying him slowly
Cuz he does not even know me
Even though he sees me everywhere he goes
So he just tortures himself
And now he's acting like a bully
So he tries to push and pull me
But he knows that he can't pull me so he's mad
He has no choice but to scream
And raise his voice up at me
Cuz it annoys him to see that I ain't scared
~Marshall Mathers (Eminem) "Bully"